Make Sure You’re Going to Heaven.

Before proceeding in this book, or any other, take a moment to make sure you know where you’re headed when this life is over. Even if you think you’re saved, what’s the harm in hearing the Gospel again? It can only strengthen your evangelism.

Also, there’s always the chance you’re self-deceived into thinking you’re good with GOD. The majority of the people I meet think they’re going to Heaven and have even been baptized. Most of these people, however, cannot explain what it means to be saved or they are completely misinformed about how a person becomes a child of GOD. Please take a moment to make sure you’re not in this category of people.

Eternity is infinitely longer than this life, and everyone will spend eternity in either one of two places—paradise with GOD or Hell where inhabitants are tormented in the Lake of Fire along with Satan and the demons. You can afford the few moments it will take you right now to make sure your eternal destiny is secure in JESUS.

To Get to Heaven, Believe the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST.
All humans have two problems. We have all sinned and, as a consequence, our bodies will die someday. Worse still, because of our sin, we can’t be in GOD’s presence and are destined to eternal death in the Lake of Fire.

Sin is anything from thinking bad thoughts about others, withholding forgiveness, having crushes on people to whom we’re not married, perverse speech, crude joking, looking at bad things on the internet, fornicating, using curse words, misusing the names GOD and JESUS, drunkenness, substance abuse, gluttony, greed, wanting what others have, complaining about our lives, disrespecting our parents and those in authority over us, lying, stealing, cheating, bragging, slandering, gossiping, exaggerating to make ourselves look good, using company resource for personal projects, putting our needs ahead of others, abusing our authority to cut ahead or avoid consequences, offering or accepting bribes, living like the rules don’t apply to us…


We’re all guilty of at least one thing on this list. GOD hates any sin of any kind. We will all eventually die as a result of our sins, and GOD also hates death. HE is the creator of life. GOD can’t accept us as HIS children unless we are free of both sin and death.


We cannot take away our own sins. No human can forgive our sins. Our good deeds will never outweigh our bad ones. Being kind is good, but kindness can’t pay for sin or make our bodies free of death. Being a good person can never make you a new person.

Nothing on Earth can take away our sins and make our bodies immortal. If we’re going to enter Heaven, where there is no sin and death, we need GOD HIMSELF to take away our sin and recreate our bodies without death. We need the CREATOR to recreate us.

God sent HIS SON JESUS down to Earth to do just that. JESUS was born into a flesh body. JESUS is GOD IN FLESH, THE MESSIAH. HE never sinned once during HIS life, and HE willingly died on the cross as the perfect LAMB OF GOD. Only JESUS is qualified to take away our sins because HE had no sin. No other sacrifice would do. Only the perfect blood of the SON OF GOD is a high enough price to purchase a human soul from death to life.

After JESUS died, HE was buried and rose from the dead three days later into a body that will never die.

Anyone who trusts in JESUS’ death, burial, and resurrection to free us from sin and death, receives eternal life with GOD. The believer is reborn of the HOLY SPIRIT as a new creation in CHRIST JESUS, free of sin and sealed by the HOLY SPIRIT for the day of resurrection. When the believer dies, his or her soul goes straight to Heaven, and at the resurrection, the believer receives a new heavenly body like the one JESUS has. Unbelievers are also raised into an immortal body of some kind the White Throne Judgment and then an eternity in Hell (Revelation 20:11-15)

As a new creation in JESUS, the believer can inhabit paradise and live with GOD forever. Eternal life is the free gift of GOD, available to anyone who believes. GOD never takes back HIS gift. If you truly trust in JESUS alone to save your soul, you are sealed by the HOLY SPIRIT, who is ONE with GOD THE FATHER and THE SON, and your  salvation can never be lost. You cannot be un-born again. Jesus is the giver of eternal life, and no one can snatch HIS sheep from HIS hand.

All other beliefs or attempts to reach Heaven trap a person in sin and mislead him or her to the Lake of Fire, known as Hell. GOD wishes none would perish eternally in Hell, which is why HE sent HIS own SON down from Heaven to buy our freedom with HIS perfect blood.

Claim GOD’S FREE GIFT to You Today!

Believe that JESUS is GOD in the flesh. HE created you, and HE died on the cross to recreate you. He was buried, and three days later rose into an immortal body. In JESUS alone, you’re a new creation, free from sin and death, and fit for Heaven.

Ask GOD to forgive you and give you HIS free gift of eternal life in JESUS. Tell HIM you understand you’re a sinner and have believed in JESUS’ work on the cross to save you from sin, death, and an eternity in Hell. Try praying something like the prayer below.

Please understand, this prayer doesn’t save you. Only genuine trust in the death, burial, and resurrection of MESSIAH JESUS saves.

FATHER in Heaven,

I have thought, spoken, and behaved in ways that are sinful.
I can’t pay for my sins
by my own kindness or good deeds.
I need you to take away my sins. I ask you to forgive me now.
I receive your free gift of eternal life by receiving YOUR SON JESUS as my SAVIOR and LORD.
I believe YOU sent JESUS down from Heaven in the flesh and that JESUS willingly died on the cross for my sins.

I believe JESUS was buried and rose to life on the third day.
I believe JESUS is GOD in the flesh, the MESSIAH, the SON OF GOD.
JESUS is my only hope for the forgiveness of sins and everlasting life with YOU.
JESUS, please baptize me with the HOLY SPIRIT, seal me for the day of resurrection, and fill me with the HOLY SPIRIT.
Help me to give up all false beliefs and sin in my life.
Help me to understand YOUR Word, the Holy Bible, and to live by it.
Thank you for saving me
from sin and eternal torment in Hell.
Thank you for sealing me for the day of resurrection,
when I will receive a body that will never die.
Thank you for making me fit for Heaven as a new creation in CHRIST.
Thank you for making me your child forever in JESUS CHRIST.

In JESUS’ Name, 


What Happens if I Reject JESUS as the Only Way to Heaven?
Rejecting JESUS as the only way to Heaven will keep you trapped in sin and mislead you to eternal torment in the Lake of Fire, known as Hell. GOD wishes none would perish and sent HIS SON to save anyone who trusts in the blood of JESUS from having to go to Hell.

I Believe That Jesus Alone Is Savior. Now What?      

  • Keep believing that JESUS is the only way to GOD THE FATHER.
  • Turn away from false beliefs, false religions, man-made traditions, superstitions, practices the Bible forbids, fantasies, idols, and self-made beliefs.

  • Turn away from all sin,such as anger, grudges, ingratitude, constant complaining, sexually immoral thoughts and deeds, profane and dirty speech, hateful thoughts and speech,  gossip, substance abuse, selfishness, pride, greed, laziness, irresponsible spending, the viewing of empty media and entertainment, and indulgence in luxuries and nonessential pleasures of this life.
  • Stop trusting in your own efforts and the people, products, and systems of this world for your security and happiness. Trust GOD alone to take care of you and fulfill your deepest longings.
  • Listen to the Holy Spirit. JESUS promises to send the SPIRIT to all who belong to Jesus. The HOLY SPIRIT dwells with each believer, seals us for the day of resurrection, empowers us for ministry, and teaches us GOD’s ways.   

  • Live as a child of GOD, talking to HIM continually in prayer. Listen to GOD by studying HIS word, the Bible, daily. If you’ve never read the Bible before, start with the Gospel of John. Worship GOD and pursue friendships with other believers. Try joining a local church and get baptized.
  • Do as CHRIST commands in HIS great commission, and tell everyone about JESUS. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen” (Matthew 28:19-20).
  • Keep watching and praying for the blessed appearance of CHRIST, at which time all who are in HIM will receive resurrected bodies, just as HE lives in a resurrected body.